Amy Colin

  • Associate Professor

Education & Training

  • PhD, Comparative Literature, Yale University 1982
  • MPhil, Comparative Literature, Yale University, 1981
  • MA, German Literature, Yale University, 1980

Representative Publications

Edith Silbermann, Czernowitz - Stadt der Dichter: Geschichte einer jüdischen Familie aus der Bukowina (1900-1948), editor and contributing author, Munich: W. Fink Verlag, 2015, 402 pages.

Paul Celan-Edith Silbermann, Zeugnisse einer Freundschaft, Gedichte, Briefe, Erinnerungen, co-edited with Edith Silbermann. Munich: W. Fink Verlag, 2010. pp 366.

Exclusions/Inclusions: Economic and Symbolic Displacements in the Americas, co-edited volume with P. Imbert and D. C. Durante. Ottawa: Legas, 2005.

Alfred Kittner: Der Wolkenreiter, co-editor and contributing author. Aachen: Rimbaud Verlag, 2004.

Versunkene Dichtung der Bukowina: Anthologie deutschsprachiger Lyrik, anthology and handbook of poetry, co-edited with the Shoah poet Alfred Kittner (1907-91). Munich: W. Fink Verlag, 1994.

Bridging the Abyss: Reflections on Jewish Suffering, Anti-Semitism, and Exile. Co-editor and contributing author. Munich: W. Fink Verlag, 1994.

Paul Celan: Holograms of Darkness, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1991.

Argumentum e Silentio. International Paul Celan Symposium, Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1987.

Essays (selection)

"Au-delà de la couleur?" ("Beyond the 'Color-Line?' Reflections on the Reception of Jean-Jacques Rousseau's Notion of the 'Particular' versus the 'Universal' in the Works of Charles Taylor, Wole Soyinka, and Isaac Bashevis Singer," trans. M. Rousselle), Trans, multi, interculturalité, Trans, multi, interdisciplinarité, ed. Brigitte Fontille and Patrick Imbert. Québec: Presses de l'Université Laval, December 2012, 115-128.

"Karl Emil Franzos, die Bukowina und Europa," Spuren eines Europäers: Karl Emil Franzos als Mittler zwischen den Kulturen, co-ed. (with E.V. Kotowski and A.D. Ludewig). Hildesheim/Zürich/New York: Georg Olms Verlg, 2007, 55-71.

Czernowitz as Nodal City in Rewriting Literary History: A Case Study on East-Central Europe , ed. Marcel Cornis-Pope, George Grabowicz, Tomislav Longinovic, John Neubauer, and Svetlana Slapsak. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing House, 2007.

"Fighting Against Hatred, Racism, and Anti-Semitism Through Education,“ Exclusions/Inclusions: Economic and Symbolic Displacements in the Americas," co-edited volume with P. Imbert and D. C. Durante. Ottawa: Legas, 2005, 77-85.

Essays on Paul Celan, Alfred Kittner, and Immanuel Weißglas in Holocaust Literature, ed. Lillian Kremer. New York: Routledge Press, 2002.

Jüdische Autorinnen der Bukowina im zwanzigsten Jahrhundert, An der Zeiten Ränder: Czernowitz und die Bukowina—Geschichte—Literatur—Verfolgung—Exil , ed. C. Cordon und H. Kusdat. Vienna: Verlag der Theodor Kramer Gesellschaft, 2002.

Paul Celan—eine plurale Identität: Bukowiner Jude, Europäer, Weltbürger, in Paul Celan: Unverloren. Trotz Allem, ed. B. Hain and H. Gaisbauer, Vienna: Mandelbaum Verlag, 2000.

"Geheimnis und Mord in Arthur Schnitzler's Therese: Chronik eines Frauenlebens," Schleier und Schwelle:Geheimnis und Neugierde , ed. Aleida und Jan Assmann. Munich: Fink Verlag, 1999.